Thursday 11 September 2008

Jing's mini computer

I refuse to let my kid play any computer game. TV also, as minimum as it can be. I don't want them end up with less concentration, TV addict... But ho... See Jing has one mini computer which bought by my BIL.
BIL mention to her should not let Yang play yet, because Yang definitely don't know loh. Jing will only play with it when Yang was asleep. Yang till now still don't know Jing own a so wonderful game. :P
She can really take care of it. After play, everything will arrange back nicely. She even will wipe it! Jing is good in Mandarin so this import from China computer sure she has no problem with it.


ZMM said...

Clever Jing. Knows how to clean up and also hide her 'goodies' from brother. :P

Sasha Tan said...

That's good that she knows how to play and keep her things.

Moo Mummy said...

May be she is girl... my boy... always will bag grandpa to clean for him!!!