Monday, 26 April 2010

My No 4??

Hubby said since Mann going to 1 year old, he gatal-gatal wants no 4! And he wants a boy so that can make up "double good" (两个好字).

Wahahaha... what happen to my hubby?


^m.r.s. f.a.r.i.z.a.l^ said...

apa salahnya khor, hehehe.

Moo Mummy said...

oh... pengsan...

cre8tone said...

My hubby said he wants 4 also..... gosh!~

MieVee @ said...

Oh my, what's with the guys?!? My hubby wanted 4 too, then #1 is a very fussy sleeper who made us sacrifice months of sleep, so he gave a discount to 3.

Moo Mummy said...

money not enought ler! how?

chanelwong said...

hmmmm no4..when ar?