Sorry for the late update. I was too busy...
Ok, day before Mann's birthday hubby and decided to held a small family party for her. Since Jie Jie and Kor Kor has once before.
So what's the menu? We bought a 1/2kg cartoon cake, Sheng Li fried chicken (taste 1000X better than KFC), fruit juice too (too lazy to made myself.), i cook fried Mee diao (a teochew must have birthday dish), red egg, vege curry, Korean BBQ fish, and my sister brought some junk foods. That's all.
Who were invited? Total just 17 ppl. What a small family, and i should have more children to contribute a bit to Lee's family?? wahaha...
Ok, i told everyone the party will be start at 6pm. And everyone was waiting for hubby to get home till 7pm! Dun ask me what he have done, i already very "hot" with his excuse!
Mann's started to made noise once hubby brought Jing and Yang together,but not with her. They went to get the birthday cake, fried chicken and fruit juice. She was so UNSATISFIED with what daddy done. Grandpa brought her walk with motor bike, she refused! Ok, walk around the house, she started making noise after 5 minutes. I drag her to take a bath, after bath, still cranky. When Ah Ma's arrived, ok, she can behave well for 10 minutes. Then arriving of others guess. She just refused to play with others. Aiyo... so yao sheng kak! When daddy's back, she insisted want daddy to carry her!
Then it's photo section, snap snap's digital camera so can snap how many i want. After snap, we all finished the food in 30 minutes! Kia Si Lang!
Mann is turning 1. Wah... time just flieddddd.... i just believed that!
From the moment i knew that i pregnant wt her till now, it's really a fantastic experience or memory to me.
I have to go through terrible morning sickness, even need to admitted, the horrible experience delivered in Penang Maternity Hospital (What a suck hospital!!), sweet memory when she first latch on me (unfortunately just 9 mths she allowed me to be milk factory. What's a sad!), excited memory when first meet with Jing and Yang (Yang was so disappointed when i told is SHE.), then her first smile, first turn, first crawl, first cruising, first word (off cause "mom mom" first,means food. 2nd word is mum mum. No more Pa Pa first like Jing and Yang.), first tooth, first walking (in very short distance.)... all these happened in one year time only. I just can't believe it!
After 6 hours old, she suck her own hands to show that she wants milk.
She started addicted to pacifier after 2 weeks old, mummy just can't start she wants to be nurse 24 hours! I am not a good mother,i trained her with pacifier.
She can turn when she just pass 3 months old.
By 4 months old, when she sleep she rolled the whole queen size bed!
Since 5 1/2 months old, she started to have her first tooth. Till today, she have 6 of them!
Her first food at 6 months old - rice frank. She can eat a lots! But till today she still so mini size!
Since she's 8 months old, she started call "mom mom" when she saw any food. Then she called Mum Mum and Ah Ma after woke up. (Ah Ma means Grandma. My mum take care of her when i am at work.)
She crawl when she just 6 months old. She start to learn to walk when she just 7 months old. She holds and walks. Today, after 3 days from her 1 year old birthday, she's walking! She's just stand up and start to walk at least 3 meters! Refused any help!
She started to show her naughty temper when she's at 9 months old. She understand that she can have everything she want by showing her naughty temper. Headache! She even started to disturbing Jing and Yang by this month. What's Jing and Yang doing she also want to follow. haha...
Oh... My Mann! I wished her have a wonderful life!
Happy 1st Birthday to Mann....
Happy belated birthday!
Happy birthday to you, Mann! Stay happy and healthy all year round. :)
happy belated birthday to your baby! must be a fun day for her :)
Happy belated birthday!!! So fast ya...
Wei, wanna meet up again or not??? This time, MUST bring the kids or I'm not showing ;-)
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