Cute? Yang has Pooh and Jing has Hello Kitty. Yang totally NOT "appreciated" the "tree" that made from sausage. He insisted wants to change with Daddy sausage that's in original shape.
Mommy punya.
Daddy punya - the left over bread and etc...
All this no need RM22 pun... and i gave extra gift - the banana cupcake!
aiyoh... keisannya daddy have to take all the odds and ends... LOL
Hee heee...daddy punya really kasihan looking ! Haiyoh, Allisia.. hahaha....
still waiting to see your latest hair cut
Angeleyes and allthingspurple,
that's why DH so fat loh... LOL
My latest hair cut? My colleagues said look like china doll. haha... may be they forgot to put the term "OLD" in front of china doll.LOL
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