Am i look pretty?
(P/S: the hair band was removed after the photo taken. Pity her too tide.)
She just love to eat. See she can smile so nice when she is having her favorite food.
Woo... time flies... Can't believe she is 8 months old now!
Ok, what she can do:
1. "Cruising"! So have to always keep an eye on her, not really knew how to sit from standing position yet. Sometime ask for help by yelling!
2. Taking more milk and formula now. Can eat one whole bowl of plain porridge, carrot, potato, and cereal. Showed yucky face to broccoli. Haha... Try fish, and she love it. Can finish one whole adult palm size pomplete!
3. Crawled the whole house and "exploring" everywhere in the house!
4. Love to "taste" all kind of thing that she can grip with her little hand. Paper, lizard shit, cloth, book, anything’s! Em... I have to hide everything in the cupboard with lock.
5. Knew how to open drawer! Just notice this morning. She observes what I done and she tries it! I notice it when all my/her cloths in the drawer she put all out and find the more attractive color to put in her mouth. Faith!
6. Will never go to sleep if the light still on and Jing or Yang still around her. She will ask them to play with her or she will cry lo!
7. Only want daddy to carry when daddy is with Bjorn carrier on! (Daddy was so sad!) Because it's "walk walk" time!
8. Knew to pronouns "mama" (calling me la! ask for breast milk) and "mam mam" (call for food!)
9. Can wave to say bye.
10. Still showing stranger anxiety.
11. She had 2 tiny teeth coming out liao. She bit my nipple and of cause I flick her! Now NEVER bit because she knew I will flick her. hehe...
Love to sleep on my hand. If i carried in this position for 2 hrs she can sleep for 2 hours. but my hand...
She knew that drink the water from this point since can't open with her hand even she try to throw on floor also can't open, she used her mouth lo!
She's a cutie pie. Wait ya? Aunty might see u in April, if I go back. :)
Ok, long time didn't meet!
Love the first pic... so cute!
Hi Little cutie...
She is growing up very fast indeed! Lovable girl... :)
she is soooooooooooooooooooooooo
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