She is in Standard 1 now. She will be in Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (C). Chinese mah must learn Chinese lah!
Already 3 days in school, i found that she really can adapt herself in different environment very easily.
Day 1 -
Early morning she went to day care with aunty. Brabra...(activities in day care) 1230noon teacher send her to school and i wait her at the gate. She just said hi to me and hang me then went to hall by herself. (I am waiting for her manja to me, but none!) She Q up in her line. I went to her, took her photo and asked her a silly question - "Everything OK?". She asked me to go home! ( I am waiting for her manja lagi, but again NONE!)Then the principle brabra... I am still waiting for her... told myself will leave her after "watching" her arrived in her class. Then she went to her class and i left. Told her i be back during her reset time. ( i am waiting for her manja, asking me not to left, but NONE!)
Then i return before her rest time. I wait outside her class. And KPC Kiasu mummy went near to the window and snapped some "inthe class" photos. Hehe... She didn't noticed pun. Then the bell rang. Bring her and her friend to canteen, and i start tonag again - "I already paid the canteen aunty, she will serve you food everyday. You have to sit at the seat that already label with your name. You cannot buy any junk foods,vitagen, ice cream, biscuit... because sweet and high carbohydrate food will meke you feel; sleepy andyou can'tconcentrate in the class. Why high carbo and sweet food make you sleepy? because they will turn into glucose or sugar and you body need to use it, but you only sit in the class so the only thing to burn your extra sugar or glucose is to sleep. Understand? Oh... BTW, you have to finish you food include going to toilet in 15 minute only. Ok? " My Jing said:" Mummy this is the N time you told me. I know." and her friend gave a very weird look. Am I explain too "deep"? Show her where she need to go, and she just waulap everythings in 5 minutes (a plate of rice with 3 kind of vege. No sausage, egg and even fried foods). She was so excited because at last she found one thing that she can buy - the fruits. She knew i won't said can't lo. Then she ate a piece of papaya. She already finished 2 things but her friend not even finished her rice yet. Then still have time, they went to toilet. After settleher down in the class, I left. Still, didn't show her manja to me. "bye bye,mummy" she said.
Then i return at 5pm. Lucily i found my friend's friend to fetch her to my mum house. (During working day, i will be in Ipoh mah.) Can't believe to my FIL who said want to take of her,i wonder what will he gave my Jing as dinner. Sure after 3 days Jing will get sick la. Not because of he gave her bad food, but only gave Jing the food that she love lo - those foods that i won't gave to her lo. Then my Jing just followed aunty Soo to my mum house. Just like that!
Day 2 -
I am in Ipoh already. Back to work bacause need to attend a very important meeting. FIL promised will "visit" her belove grandchild in school during rest time and during go home time. He told me Jing very "steady" - she can go to canteen by herself, buy her own fruits after finish her foods. And even can go to the Koperasi to buy 2 exercise books. No need to worry about her. (I found out from my mum - Jing manja to her grandpa to get herself vitagen.) During going home time, FIL missed the time. He went to school too late and my Jing already on the way backto my mum house.
Day 3 -
"mummy, i am the class monitor!" She called me. Woo... my Jing... really not to worry her ho!
Look like 樱桃小丸子?
Ok la, still can understand and respone to teacher.
Wow....yur girl must be so outstanding that she is assigned that position within that first few days and get noticed by her teacher. Great job la...mummy!
Wah...sai lek wor! You mean she went home byherself when your FIL came late???
Wow! big big gal already... going to school d..
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