What she can do:
1) smile and laught too.
2) will cry if she dun want u (aiyo, ppl want to carry her also have follow her mood!)
3) She can turn on tummy since 10 weeks! But that time head can't leave on too long yet,now can leave it on for 1 minute.
4) Night time sleep on tummy. No matter how frequence i turn her back, she will turn on her tummy again! And she knewhow to change her head position fromone side to another side.
5) Not just turn on tummy, she will try to move if she put anything in front of her.
6) She loves flash card! Oh... and book too!
7) Bad habit - must have pacifier then only can go to sleep. Off cause, if "live pacifier" around sure she will only attach to me. She will cried to find me! Or in nanny house, have to sumbat with pacifier. If not she can awake from 8am - 8pm!
8) Still breastfeeding! Mummy almost "dried"! In 12 hours, she need almost 28 oz! each section 3 - 4oz! Usually 4 oz. em... all my stocks almost finish liao. Need to pump more!
9) She is having fun with her pacifier. Holdby her own hand and pull in and out, and she laught! Cute little one!
10) Love to bath. She will be very quiet when put in bath tub.
11) Love to sleep on her tummy. Turn by herself.
12) If i am around, sure she will looking for me to go to sleep. She will show her "qi cham" face to me! LOL


See,how she turn! I took this photo on 30 Sept.Today... she love to on her tummy!

Am i cute? P/S: very hard to take photo when she is smile.

Ok, i am 3 mths old today. And i love to kick kick kick... especially if i am unhappy, coz mummy didn't carry me just put meon the big pillow!
time flies.... soon she will crawl and then walk.
Her face is exactly like her daddy!!!! Don't look like Yang-yang that much now.
so fast 15 weeks liao...she looks like your son.
So adorable.. I like the eyes!~
Sasha... too young la. Ididn't expect so soon leh.
My Mann is daddy's girl!
so long never come to ur blog
and u give birth dy..and some more 15th weeks....
time flies..
i am not in ur list of invited reader leh. Long time didn't read ur blog liao.
Sooo cute!!! I forgot already what a 4 month old baby looks like LOL Thanks for refreshing my memory.
Lucas likes to sleep on his tummy too and still does. His sleeping style is like a dog i.e. on his knees...seems so weird to me but as long as he doesn't bother me, I'm happy!
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